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Information about Irma Valeria

Irma Valeria (1897-1988)

Irma Valeria: I Gufi (Triangolo della notte, in: L'Italia Futurista 2:34 (2 December 1917), p. 3.

The writer Irma Valeria was born as Irma Gelmetti Zorzi in Verona in 1897 and joined Futurism in 1914. Together with her sister Mimi Gelmetti, who worked as a painter, Irma was a member of the Futurist group in Ravenna. In contributions for “L’Italia Futurista ” - Irma Valeria published articles, lyrical prose and a plate of parole in libertà which were sometimes strongly geared towards Occultism, reflecting the interests of the Futurist group in Ravenna. In 1917, Valeria published in Florence her first writing “Morbidezze in agguato”, an experiment strongly influenced by occultism . The book cover was designed by her sister Mimi using stylistic elements of the Symbolism.

The novel “Fidanzamento con l’azzurro”, published in Milan in 1919, however, has distinct esoteric features. Filippo Tommaso Marinetti dedicates one of his “parolelibere” plates published in “L’Italia Futurista” to Irma Valeria: “Morbidezze in agguato+Bombarde italiane ”. The writer Mario Carli dedicated the first edition of his novel “Notti filtrate” (1918) to Irma. In the end, it wasn’t long before Irma Valeria left the group of Futurists. At the beginning of the 1920s, in terms of her literary activity, she vanished, until in 1984, she published again some poetry.


Cited Literature:

Bello Minciacchi , Cecilia (ed.): Spirale di dolcezza + Serpe di Fascino. Scrittrici Futuriste Antologia, Naples 2001, p. 193-224.

Cammarota , Domenico: Irma Valeria, in: Ezio Godoli (ed.): Il dizionario del futurismo, Florence 2002, p. 515-516.

Carli , Mario: Notti filtrate, Florence 1918.

The following matches were found (22)

(search term: Irma Valeria):

•  Irma Valeria   [ Biogr.-Link, DNB-Link ]

Genre: Review

1. Title: Maria Ginanni
Persons: Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (Author), Mario Missiroli (Author), Grazia Deledda (Author), Ada Negri (Author), Margherita Sarfatti (Author), Irma Valeria (Author), Roberto Marvasi (Author), Emilio Settimelli (Author), Francesco Balilla Pratella (Author), Paolo Buzzi (Author), Giacomo Balla (Author), Mario Carli (Author), Conte di Castelminio (Author), Francesco Cangiullo (Author), Bruno Corra (Author), Maria Ginanni
Page: 1917, Nr.07, p.4
Genres: Review
5. Title: Le Liriche di Oscar Mara
Persons: Irma Valeria (Author), Oscar Mara
Page: 1918, Nr.39, p.2
Genres: Article, Review
Topics: Poetry
6. Title: Maria Ginanni
Persons: Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (Author), Mario Missiroli (Author), Grazia Deledda (Author), Ada Negri (Author), Margherita Sarfatti (Author), Irma Valeria (Author), Roberto Marvasi (Author), Emilio Settimelli (Author), Francesco Balilla Pratella (Author), Paolo Buzzi (Author), Giacomo Balla (Author), Mario Carli (Author), Conte di Castelminio (Author), Francesco Cangiullo (Author), Bruno Corra (Author), Maria Ginanni
Page: 1917, Nr.06, p.4
Genres: Review

Genre: Announcement

Genre: Feuilleton

1. Title: Protesta contro me stessa
Persons: Irma Valeria (Author)
Page: 1917, Nr.10, p.3
Genres: Feuilleton

Genre: Article

1. Title: Occultismo e arte nuova.
Persons: Irma Valeria (Author)
Page: 1917, Nr.17, p.2
Genres: Article
Topics: Occultism
3. Title: Ridicolizziamo l'universo
Persons: Irma Valeria (Author)
Page: 1917, Nr.24, p.2
Genres: Article
6. Title: Dialoghi inutili
Persons: Irma Valeria (Author)
Page: 1917, Nr.29, p.2
Genres: Article
7. Title: Le Liriche di Oscar Mara
Persons: Irma Valeria (Author), Oscar Mara
Page: 1918, Nr.39, p.2
Genres: Article, Review
Topics: Poetry
8. Title: Grani di Rosario
Persons: Irma Valeria (Author)
Page: 1917, Nr.33, p.3
Genres: Article

Genre: Letter

Genre: parole in libertà

Topic: occultism

1. Title: Occultismo e arte nuova.
Persons: Irma Valeria (Author)
Page: 1917, Nr.17, p.2
Genres: Article
Topics: Occultism

Topic: War

Topic: Pubblicità parolibera

Topic: Poetry

Topic: parole in libertà

Topic: Parole in libertà

without Topic / Genre

1. Title: Casa da thè
Persons: Irma Valeria (Author)
Page: 1917, Nr.30, p.3

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