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Fulvia Giuliani (1900-?)

Fulvia Giuliani, in: L'Italia Futurista 2:28 (9. September 1917), p. 2.

In 1916, Fulvia Giuliani, who was born in Rome in 1900, joined the Roman group of Futurists. She did so on proposal of Maria Ginanni, who, at that time, was tutoring her privately on Mathematics. Giuliani realised a large corpus of poetic works, “parolelibere”, composed polemic articles and plays which were published in periodicals, such as “L’Italia Futurista”, “L’Ardito”, “Roma Futurista”, “Dinamo”, “Italia Nuova”, and others.

At last, Fulvia Giuliani discovered her passion for theatre and acting and eventually took over the role of reader of poems and Futurist “parolelibere” during evening meetings of the Futurists. Because of her androgynous appearance, she sometimes also played male roles in Futurist plays, for instance by Petrolino and Fregoli. From the nineteen-twenties onwards, she consequently devoted herself solely to her career as an actress at the “Teatro degli Indipendenti” of Anton Giulio Bragaglia. During the interwar period, she kept on working as a journalist, and wrote her miscellany “Cristalli al sole” (1919-1924). In 1938, she released the romance “L’uomo che camminò nella luce”. Later on she works for journals such as “La Tribuna” and  “Roma repubblicana”. Her last book “Donne d’Italia“ was published in 1952.

Cited Literature:

Bello Minciacchi, Cecilia (ed.): Spirale di dolcezza + Serpe di Fascino. Scrittrici Futuriste Antologia, Naples 2001, p. 129-148.

Cammarota, Domenico: Fulvia Giuliani, in: Ezio Godoli (ed.): Il dizionario del futurismo, Florence 2002, p. 545.


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