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Enrica Piubellini (1895-1980)

Enrica Piubellini was born in Trento in 1895. In order to study, she went to Florence, where, from 1916 onwards, she attended lectures at the “L’Università per stranieri”. She initially moved in the circles of the avant-garde movement of the “postlacerbiani”, by which she also made the acquaintance of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (there are records indicating an intensive correspondence between them). Piubellini started to experiment with the technique of “parole in libertà” and published several plates in “L’Italia Futurista”; in the plate “Campo di Marte” (1917) she referred to the events of the First World War. In “Paesaggio + Forte Austriaco” she also explicitly made reference to battles which took place at Trento, Monte Argentario, and Civezzano, whose topography is depicted precisely in the frontispiece, and further approaches the subject of war by describing emotional states in a striking manner. In his diaries Marinetti described the Futurist’s reading of “Campo di Marte” , which took place at Fiesole on 31 May 1917. After that, however, Enrica Piubellini decided to withdraw from the group of Futurists. In 1918, Marinetti mentions her absence from the group: “Cerco Enrica Piubellini. Non c’è. Forse è a Trento.”

In fact, she did return home and taught foreign languages at the “Instituto Berlitz” at Merano. Although she met Marinetti again at a conference of the Futurists in 1922, she entirely devoted herself – after having moved to Arco, near the Lake Garda in 1923 and after the birth of her child – to being a mother and teacher. She died in Trento in 1980.


Cited Literature:

Bello Minciacchi, Cecilia (ed.): Spirale di dolcezza + Serpe di Fascino. Scrittrici Futuriste Antologia, Naples 2001, p. 151-154.

Bertoni, Alberto (ed.): Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. Taccuini 1915 – 1921, Bologna 1987.

Scudiero, Maurizio: Enrica Piubellini, in: Ezio Godoli (ed.): Il dizionario del futurismo, Florence 2002, p. 887-888.


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